Ewaste pile listing!


Controlled Chaos
Staff member
I'd like to get a good repository of available ewaste to see if anyone can make something out of it.

Here's what I have, all free to a good an interesting home:
  • a dead UPS (just needs a new battery, or you could gut it and use it as a project box with a beefy power cable)
  • one of those sad card shuffler machines. It doesn't super grab the cards any more, but it has tons of gears and motors that might be fun.
  • an old Roomba. IIRC, this one needs a lot of work if you wanted it to be a vacuum, but it (probably?) still works as a robotics platform. If it stays with me, I'll probably 3D print a case for it and have something like a Dalek or a blue shell from Mario Kart bouncing around my living room.
  • a Eufy-branded Roomba. IIRC, this one actually works as a vacuum/mop, as long as you don't mind it forgetting your home's map every three days. I haven't decided what I'd do with it yet besides scrap it for parts--the lidar module on top means I can't print a cover like the other Roomba.
Im asking a coworker, he ripped a micro controller out of a UPS and made an arduido so he might be interested in some of it~
I've always thought that the idea of shoving a whole computer into a UPS case was just goofy enough to pull off, but I've never had a reason to try it.
I would definitely be interested in the UPS, I plan to add more and have done battery swaps in the aquarium versions of these before so I wouldn't mind trying it on this one.

I am going to get a list together but I know I have a few LCD monitors, one cracked and several functioning. There are some fun projects that use their backlight and lens' to make wall lamps or photography rigs:

I also have dozens of high powered aquarium LED lamps. These have LED "pucks" mounted to HUGE heatsinks and fans, the LEDs almost all in great condition it's the driver circuit boards that are fried on these lights, you can power the lights with other high power LED driver boards though and could make them into all sorts of things. These are basically a circuit board with a few dozen CREE XP-E or similar LEDs which are kind found in high powered flash lights. It's a few dozen though so they are basically flood lights.
Also have a lot of power supplies for them rated around 60-120watts and closer to laptop voltages around 24-36vDC output. You need a current limiting driver circuit to use those to power the LEDS though.
A false window lamp! That's genius! I think I have a monitor here that'd be perfect for that, but lemme know what you have. I'm also tempted to mount it under my glass-top desk to give me a status screen of sorts.

You're welcome to the UPS; come by any time. I'll also toss it in my car if I ever make it down your way, but I suspect you'll get up here sooner 😁. I want to want those LEDs, but I know myself well enough to know I'll never do anything with them lol.