Sometimes a failed print isn't a failure


Controlled Chaos
Staff member
I've been using a hard drive platter as a coaster for a while*.
Separately from that, I had a round holder that I was printing fail basically at the start.
Separately from that, one of my favorite things is when something fits in a place it wasn't intended.

To that end, I present: The Insulated Sturdycoaster 1000. It may not be more durable or useful than a plain coaster, but it's at least 48% more satisfying.
View attachment PXL_20220729_044040173.LS~2.mp4
* if you're curious, a hard drive platter makes a fantastic coaster, as long as your desk is super smooth, like glass. I think those fake laminated woods would be fine, too. I used one on a bamboo surface for a couple of months, and it was apparently like sandpaper--I had hard drive dust everywhere. Probably not super healthy.
Oooh nice fit, those hard disk platters are really weird to hold in the hand, they definitely feel like an alien device when you hold and look at it but then also know it can somehow contain so much information. I had been using one as coaster in the garage but does really have a weird effect if there is some grit under it on, at least when using it on a cast iron surface.