[Web design] CSS shaders?! What can't CSS do?


local maker
Staff member
I have been out of the web development loop for a long time but when I first learned CSS it was all about moving the web off HTML tables and moving into the resolution-flexible web we somewhat have today. CSS has been getting new features that browsers are supporting more now and there have been some seriously cool features gaining support with it that makes me wish I could spend all day playing with them!

Robb Owen has an article on CSS shaders that can now do masking effects like multiply, color-burn and color-dodge with images and has manipulated the feature to simulate holo-foil stickers, the Aurora Borealis and Light Leak effects, scroll to the bottom of the page if it's TLDR, to see the cool examples :

Well now this is just silly.

This is so cool. A lot of it is already in place around the internets , but to see it put together in these ways is great.

You should grab me some time to give you a demo of Divi's separator effects and background voodoo. It's not this impressive, but it's pretty sweet.